Please help keep this looking tidy!

NEWS and Events

at Wafco Mills Condominiums

  • 9/14/2024 at 9:30 am Town Hall meeting to share info on trash project. First Baptist Church 1000 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC, 27401

  • 9/11/2024 Please flatten all cardboard before placing it in the recycling can. You may need to fold it and stand on it to make it flat. Cardboard left outside of the cans is unsightly. Please help our community by only leaving items that fit INSIDE THE CANS please.

  • 8/19/2024 Please flatten your cardboard before putting into the brown cans. We are working out the number of needed cans and need everyone to please be mindful to not leaving your trash and recycling disrespectfully please.

  • 8/1/2024

    After several years of negotiations, Historic Wafco Mills has terminated our access to the dumpsters located on Cedar Ave.

  • As a temporary solution, garbage collection will be billed directly to each Wafco Mills Greensboro City Water billing address at $3.50 per month, instead of the previous $15.15+ (and growing) per unit per month that was previously paid to HWM from our HOA dues.

    Garbage cans (green for household waste, brown for recycling) have been placed in the parking spaces alongside building 626/104. We ask that you please be a respectful community member and assist your neighbors, tenants, and guests in properly using these facilities.

  • We will hold a Town Hall meeting in August 2024 to discuss options for location and surveillance of this area.

In case you have forgotten what the Historic Wafco Mills (HWM) dumpers look like.



THIS!!!! BIG THANK YOU to whoever arranged these cans so smartly!!! I love the brainpower and creativity we have at Wafco !!!! Thank you so much!! Lets keep this area looking just like this until we determine a more permanent solution for our garbage.


A member of your board of directors, who has been working on developing a permanent sustainable trash solution will be presenting at the Historic Preservation Commission meeting on August 28th, 2024. See the details and agenda at the link below.

MORE on trash

Notices & Maintenance

Ongoing maintenance projects and notices affecting owners and tenants at Wafco Mills Condominiums.

  • New trash and recycling cans have arrived at the temporary location on Wafco Lane. Check your email for more details from Leighsa! Thank you for leaving your trash and recycling in a respectful way and supporting your neighbors, tenants and guests with all needed info.

  • CLICK HERE to Submit your HO6 insurance policy declarations page ASAP and avoid a non-compliance fine

  • Check your email from Leighsa Windsor on how to set up your owner account.

  • Ongoing brick & drainage work is being done on the property.

  • Violation walk-throughs started back August 1st 2024. Thank you Josie and Lana for volunteering to help with this task. Owners will receive notifications of any violations through a paper notice placed on your door and a scanned copy of the notice emailed to you. Please be aware that the first notice will serve as a warning and the second notice will include a $100 fine per incident. Click here to view the checklist & learn how to avoid a $100 violation.

  • If you have interest in joining our Wafco Mills Board of Directors, please fill out this form so we can get you added to the November ballot.

8/9/24 Structural repair update

GrandeurUSA has finished the remediation on the 626 Walker Ave side of the 104/626 building. Structural Repairs and maintenance resume in September 2024.

- Drain Pipe drainage issue:

- Newly installed drain pipes on the sidewalk could be a trip hazard.

- Two solutions proposed:

- Paint the pipes yellow and add signage for $200.

- Extend the pipes to the street and patch the sidewalk, which will be more expensive.

- Temporary solution (painting) might be used until more important structural repairs are completed.

- Sinkhole in Parking Lot:

- A sinkhole has developed near the center common area at the back of building 624.

- The sub-grading (gravel and dirt) has eroded.

- Diego recommends removing asphalt and filling the void with cement; waiting for a quote.

- Consideration to block and patch temporarily until other projects are done.

- Granduer USA / General Contractor Diego’s availability:

- GrandeurUSA / Diego will be unavailable for most of August due to a family bereavement.

- Structural Remediation Project is on hold until his return.

- Payments will continue during his absence, with all work paid in full by mid-September.

- Historic District Hearing:

- Hearing for the garbage can housing paddock is at the end of August, with Joy Watson attending.

- Approval has been received from 6 of the 8 committee segments.

- Town Hall meeting will be scheduled after the Historic District Committee ruling, likely in early September.

Downtown Urban Trail Update:

Looking at the DowntownGreenway behind Historic Wafco Parking lot

Share your time and talent hyper-local

Share your time and talent hyper-local ⁎

Our Community Needs:

Building Reps: Volunteer person from each building representing their building as a spokesperson. This person, or people, will share what information residents of that building are experiencing and contribute solutions to issues faced in that building that can possibly apply to the benefit of other buildings. No prior experience necessary.

Violation Walk Through Reps: Volunteer person will oversee violation walk-through volunteers and support our community effort to keep the aesthetics of Wafco in alignment with our governing documents, and agreeable to the largest number of residents. No prior experience necessary.

Website Reps: Volunteer person to help take photos and upload them to the website library in Squarespace and help add value to our community website. No prior experience necessary.

Project Reporter Reps: Volunteer to support communication with owners about past, current and future projects. No prior experience necessary.

Common Space Reps: Volunteer person that will share observations related to landscaped grounds, plantings, trees, parking lot, drainage gutters and building exteriors, with the board of directors and make suggestions for needed maintenance and repairs to our “common area” / community owned areas. No prior experience necessary.

If you have an hour per week, or an hour per day, your contribution of time and talent is valued and appreciated. Please share information with us here so someone from the Board of Directors can get you connected with the needed information.

Events Calendar

Upcoming Maintenance Calendar for Wafco Mills

The below items, as well as parking lot lighting, landscaping, and dog poop pick-up, are some of the items that your HOA dues must pay for.

As you may have noticed, the price for these maintenance items have increased far faster than we are able to increase our monthly dues. As an HOA, we are limited to a maximum of 15% increase per year. We had a number of years in the late 1990’s and 2000’s when we had no increases in dues. More recently, we have seen drastic increase in costs for all contracted labor as well as materials. These increases have far outpaced 15%. Wafco was built in the 1980’s and is approaching the 50 year mark in the very near future. The below items are taken directly from the Updated Reserve Study that was done in June of 2021.

Please note: When we as owners request the HOA reserve account pay for repairs and maintenance to an individual unit or its connected utilities, we are asking for 66 owners to offset our own cost of owning their own individual unit. When our reserve account is depleted and the below maintenance items are in need of maintenance, a special assessment is then needed to pay for these maintenance and repairs. Additionally, if the reserve account falls below the threshold set by lenders, owners are no longer able to sell their unit to buyers unless they are “all cash” buyers because lenders have a minimum threshold for reserve accounts before they will lend buyers money.

This is why we as an HOA decided to be self managed. The cost of paying for full service HOA management was increasing and the level of service of declining.

Annual Tasks

  • Tree Trimming and Landscaping Maintenance: Annually

  • Inspection and Cleaning of Drainage Systems: Annually

Every 5 Years

  • Crack Fill, Seal Coat, Stripe Asphalt Paving:

    • Next Due: 2027

    • Previous: 2022

  • Repair Sections of Concrete Flatwork:

    • Next Due: 2028

    • Previous: 2023

  • Repair Sections of Concrete Curb and Gutter:

    • Next Due: 2027

    • Previous: 2022

  • Common Area Drainage Improvements:

    • Next Due: 2027

    • Previous: 2022

Every 7 Years

  • Repair and Paint Exterior Siding and Trim:

    • Next Due: 2032

    • Previous: 2025

Every 10 Years

  • Allocation for Buried Piping Repairs:

    • Next Due: 2037

    • Previous: 2027

Every 20 Years

  • Resurface Asphalt Paving:

    • Next Due: 2042

    • Previous: 2032

  • Replace Building Roofs and Gutters:

    • Phase 1 (Bldgs 100/805, 102/405): 2042 (Next Cycle)

    • Phase 2 (Bldg 104/626): 2043 (Next Cycle)

    • Phase 3 (Bldgs 620-624): 2044 (Next Cycle)

  • Replace Mailbox Inserts:

    • Next Due: 2045

    • Previous: 2025

  • Replace Wood Decks, Balcony Decking:

    • Next Due: 2056

    • Previous: 2026

Additional Projects

  • Dumpster Area Project: Scheduled for 2022

  • Allocation for Retaining Wall Repairs: Scheduled for 2037

  • Replace Chimney Caps: Scheduled for 2028


This maintenance calendar outlines the various projects and improvements funded by the HOA dues paid by residents. These dues are essential in maintaining and enhancing our property. By self-managing our property, we are able to efficiently allocate funds for both routine maintenance and unexpected issues.

If we relied on a property management company, the additional costs would significantly deplete our reserves, leaving us vulnerable to financial shortfalls when major repairs are needed. This could necessitate a special assessment, which would require additional contributions from residents. To learn about special assessments, please visit this link. To see the results of the 2021 reserve study and learn about where your HOA dues are being allocated click here.